Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Let's Colour Project

color theory, color psychology
via iheartartblog

Shot by Adam Berg over the course of four weeks and in four countries (France, Brazil, London and India), the sole purpose was to rid the world of "gray areas." A total of 120 different hues were used to give vibrancy to the under served and forgotten communities across the globe. To learn more about this initiative, visit Let's Colour Project by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Typography is where jokes and captions are made using typography. I probably wouldn't use the site, due to some inappropriate language and pictures, BUT it's a good idea for a computer arts/graphics class for a project on typography and how text can change the meaning of a picture or image!

>>>this one is my all time favorite>>>

Vintage Art Supplies

Christian Montone has a flickr of just that...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Teacher Website/Electronic Portfolio Example

Here is an example of mine.