Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Erin Condren Planners:
If her Teacher Planners are anything like the below Life Planner......I'm in!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

ArtEd Blogging

As I am not currently teaching, (I am working in art galleries), I don't update much. It doesn't mean I don't still think about great prompts, and project ideas. It's nice to see others posting about their classroom.

1. My peer, Leah, and her classroom:
2. My cooperating teacher during student teaching, Mrs Ryan, and her classroom:
3. A random blog I found posted by a peer Kelly, who found it on Pinterest
4. My peer, Hannah's new blog about her experience as an online art teacher!
5. Another peer, Lydia's blog has popped up!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Contemporary Paper Cut Artist

*would be fun to create an environment for an advanced photography class
*i also loved the paper cut book project i did on college on a famous or historical person
*nonetheless it's always nice to have contemporary artists for examples

Thursday, May 5, 2011


1. Lighting is very important in photography, and so is styling.
Why not have students practice lighting and styling on food rather than on people doing portraits? Seems over done - portraits of people/peers? Perhaps it's classic and traditional though? (portraits). -Could save the project for an advanced class or for extra credit? 

2. Also interesting topic - Styling. Talk about ways or "tricks" people use to stylize their subject before being photographed. What would examples be for food or fashion?

3. I like the topic of food, maybe it could be used as an allegory or metaphor. Students could draw a word/emotion out of a bag and choose to shoot a food in a certain way (with particular lighting and styling) to make that word/emotion come across. Their artistic choices would be very important and there would have to be a writing component to explain the thought process.
food photography by Charles Schiller


I like the idea of learning about sub-cultures and genres in art inclusive to the "theme" or "big idea". Referring back to one of the very first posts I  made on here, an interesting question to pose is, "What is Americanism?" This idea came from a podcast on youtube that was posing this question from a speech by Malcom X. I also like the idea of exploring this idea of "Americanism" with the idea and genre of "Americana". Interesting projects could surmount!

Here is a photograph by Scott Pommier a photographer who's work is often deemed "Americana".
Article and more of his photography --> here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Recycling Mediums

Rugs hand sewn out of recycled stuffed animals by Agustina Woodgate.

Choose one medium to recycle and make a series of 3 small wall hangings.
This would be awesome for an advanced high school art class.
You could also simplify to one artwork, but still give students the option of the material.
The subject also seems interesting to be left open, but that maybe giving too much choice to students and not enough direction. A topic under abstract? Mandalas? Patterning?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Classic Dance

ode to art history and classic sculpture, also a great example of stop animation

Monday, March 14, 2011

Piet Mondrian

Designing fashion,
interior theme/decorations,
 you would wear/use based off a famous artist...project???
include research, and short write up...
link to a business class... marketing, budget?

list of kinds of art..


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Color Charts

what are creative ways to make them?
history of color wheels and charts?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

we make carpets

temporary contemporary carpets 
(to be specific!)

talk about unconventional use of materials. what is art? is this art? ASSIGN PAPER! MWAHAHA.

1. army carpet
2. fork carpet
3. pasta carpet

Monday, February 14, 2011

Art Blog Resource

nice blog... a lot about correct proportions... nice to brush up every now and then 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Juxtapose!

I like the idea of comparing and contrasting architecture, and also styles of clothing. instead of using cities you could use time periods or eras... or whatever you want...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


changing context of an existing image.
unknown image author/artist

Friday, January 28, 2011

Waste Land

Buying tickets today to see this next week! I'll find out if it's appropriate for students. Looks amazing, and could go with the work below. I also love Vik Muniz, would be fun to teach about him and all his materials he uses to make portraits and pictures!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


and local Columbus artist! I love the "Big Ideas" that come from this!

Monday, January 17, 2011

mixed media/photography/temporary art

choosing a symbol and recreating it over and over again with unconventional media = fun. Talking about  art that won't last forever so to document it, you use photography.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Seven Facts About Wayne White
1. Born in Tennessee, Lives and Works in Los Angeles Artist
2. Won 3 Emmy’s for his set designs on Pee Wee’s Play House
3. Cartoons and Illustrations published include New York Times and the Village Voice
4. Directed Seminal Video Big Time for Peter Gabriel
5. Designed Sets for Tonight, Tonight Video for Smashing Pumpkins
6. Designed 4 album covers for Alternative Country Band Lambchop
7. Repurposes Thrift store painting and turns them into contemporary masterpieces

Would be a fun project for students to create their own, by finding thrift store paintings and old photographs in old books, and choosing words and fonts to go with or against the painting. Writing component could explain the theme or word choice and font they chose.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Documentary/Street Photography

The SARTORIALIST is a good example of contemporary documentary/street fashion photography. This short video interview gives students a glimpse into Scott Schuman's world of The SARTORIALIST.

The new movie, Bill Cunningham New York... would also serve as a good illustration of fashion photography/documentation.
It's always nice to have multiple examples, so I thought Weegee or Arthur Fellig who was a documentary/street crime photographer and photojournalist would be good. (from mid-early 1900s)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


1. Would you rather...
I enjoy Leah's idea of taking attendance to a game of "Would you rather?" so students say their answer for attendance. Example: If you were an animal would you rather live on land or in the water? Students then answer to their name with "land" or "water" instead of "here" or "present". This would be fun on Mondays to liven things up, or Fridays for fun.

2. Eye Know
Trivia game about popular images, and as you know image recognition is a part visual culture and art! Could be fun to use for extra credit, or for a game, or extra credit on a particular project +2 points and only ask one card on Fridays or something.

3. Chicken or the Egg

Another trivia game about what came first, with interesting pop culture topics for questions like Burger King or McDonalds? Then the back of the card gives the trivia answer with interesting facts. Could be fun to use the cards and ask one question each day while students did a warm-up activity and then give the answer at the end up the warm-up. (less art related, more pop-culture related, relevant to students lives though)