Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Consumer Culture

So much of the new visual culture movement is just to teach and transform our everyday visuals into a visual language that students can understand like they do when they read text. What a great video:

Monday, May 14, 2012

The 99 Percent Arts

A current issues article besides all the arts education budgeting and funding ones I'm always reading. The 99 Percent Arts by Robert Bettmann for the The Huffington Post.
 "Art and Culture are part of the commons. Art is not a luxury item." 

Politics & Performance Art

Makode Linde's performance piece on female genital mutilation: 

Provokes so many discussion topics in art, maybe better suited for a college level course, but most definitely one about visual culture

Friday, May 4, 2012

L.A. Art Educator

I love this "Pay it Forward" segment from the local news. The cool part is the reporter Elex Michaelson, who gets the chance to pay it forward, is the son of an awesome local artists here in L.A, Crystal Michaelson who I met from working at a local gallery! All in all, it's a great segment for Art Educators that will make you a little teary!

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